「React 系列 Workshop 01」之 Atomic Design with React

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Atomic Design with React

Total Time: 2 hours

via JimmyLv


0. 💻 Env Setup

  • reminder/reading material in invitation mail
  • join wechat group to share info easily

git clone git@github.com:JimmyLv/atomic-design-react-workshop.git
cd atomic-design-react-workshop
yarn install && yarn start


🐵 唠嗑唠嗑

  • 不讲什么:Webpack/ES6/Styling/Linter
  • 脚手架:create-react-app & react-app-stencil
  • 观念在先,实战为王 🔨
  • Pair Programming 👬
  • Parking Lot 🅿️


⏲️ Agenda

  1. Atomic Design (15 mins)
  2. React Basic: FP、JSX、V-DOM (25 mins)
  3. Component-Driven Development (20 mins)
  4. Component’s State & Lifecycle (20 mins)
  5. Refactoring to ES6+ (remaining times…)


1. 🏗️ Atomic Design (15 mins)


What’s Atomic Design?

demo: [Pattern Lab Build Atomic Design Systems](http://patternlab.io/)


🔨 Practice 01


🌲 Components Tree


💡 Rethink?

  • Presentational components
  • Container components
  • Transactional components
  • Micro Front-Ends



2. 📖 React Basic (25 mins)

  • JSX
  • VirtualDOM
  • Functional/Stateless Components



🌲 DOM Tree -> Functions

function warn(msg) {

function App(data) {
  ;(function Header(menu) {
    ;(function Menu(menu, func) {
      ;(function Text(text) {
        return <li>{text}</li>
      })(menu[0])(function Text(text) {
        return <li onClick={() => func(text)}>{text}</li>
    })(menu, warn)
  })(data.menu)(function Content(content) {
    return <section>{content}</section>
  })(data.content)(function Footer() {
    return <footer>I am footer!</footer>


JSX (XML in JavaScript)


function Profile(props) {
  return (
      <img src="avatar.png" className="profile" />


function Profile(props) {
  return React.createElement(
    React.createElement('img', { src: 'avatar.png', className: 'profile' }),
    React.createElement('h3', null, props.title),


Virtual DOM

function DeleteAccount() {
    return ({
      type: 'div',
      props: {
        children: [{
          type: 'p',
          props: {
            children: 'Are you sure?'
        }, {
          type: Button,
          props: {
            type: 'danger',
            children: 'Yep'
        }, {
          type: Button,
          props: {
            color: 'blue',
            children: 'Cancel'




() => Virtual DOM Objects

function DeleteAccount() {
    return ({
      type: 'div',
      props: {
        children: [{
          type: 'p',
          props: {
            children: 'Are you sure?'
        }, {
          type: Button,
          props: {
            type: 'danger',
            children: 'Yep'
        }, {
          type: Button,
          props: {
            color: 'blue',
            children: 'Cancel'


Functional/Stateless Components

const DeleteAccount = (props) => (
    <p>Are you sure?</p>
    <Button type="danger">Yep</Button>
    <Button color="blue">Cancel</Button>


3. 🏃 CDD (20 mins)

“Visual TDD”: Component-Driven Development


Component-Driven Development

  1. Focus development {:&.moveIn}
  2. Increase UI coverage
  3. Target feedback
  4. Build a component library
  5. Parallelize development
  6. Test visually


[note]tdd components,即 data 如何对应到 view; tdd business logic,即 event 如何对应到 state[/note]




🔨 Practice 02

  • type:primary default danger dashed
  • color: blue, white, red, border
  • onClick: console.info(), alert()



4. 🐒 State & Lifecycle (20 mins)



class Contacts extends React.Component {
  constructor(props) {
    this.state = {}

  handleClick(e) {
    console.log(this) // React Component instance

  render() {
    return <button onClick={(e) => this.handleClick(e)}></button>

export default Contacts




🔨 Practice 03

Clock component: new Date().toLocaleTimeString(locales,options) with timeZone


State vs Props


5. Refactoring to ES6+ (remaining times…)


📑 Homework


Thanks, Q&A❓